Articles Collections of Embryo transfer Keyword

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Number of Articles: 12
The effect of bacterial flora of cervical canal on fertility outcome in patients referring to Isfahan fertility and infertility center

Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Seyyed Ali Fazeli, Fariborz Kianpoor, Seyyed Akbar Tabibian, Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi, Seyyed Asadollah Kalantari

Comparison of progesterone administration before and after embryo transfer in ART cycles

Abbas Aflatoonian, Maryam Asgharnia, Fariba Seyed Alshohadaei

The relationship between estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism and ovarian response to ovulation induction in women under IVF treatment

Mohammad Hasan Sheikhha, Seyyed Mehdi Kalantar, Abbas Aflatoonian

Repeated Implantation Failures Following Embryo Transfer

Saeed Zarei, Soheila Arefi, Amir Hassan Zarnani, Afsaneh Mohammadzadeh, Maerefat Ghaffari, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani

Semen Analysis and In Vitro Fertilization Cycle Outcome in Polyzoospermia

Fatemeh Haji- Maghsoudi, Morteza Anvari, Mohammad Ali Khalili

Original Article
Reproductive Outcome Following Thawed Embryo Transfer in Management of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Forouzan Absalan, Alireza Ghannadi, Marjaneh Kazerooni

Original Article
Relationship of Number of Embryos Transferred with Perinatal Outcome of Singleton Pregnancy

Shilpa Bhandari, Ishita Ganguly, Pallavi Agarwal, Niharika Munaganuru, Nitika Gupta, Aparna Singh

Case Report
Enhancing a Successful Pregnancy and Delivery After ICSI in Advanced-Age Woman with Concurrent Disorders: A Case Report

Faranak Aghaz, Zahra Mokari, Mitra Bakhtiari

Systematic Review
The Effect of Post warming Culture Period Between Thawing and Transfer of Cryopreserved Embryos on Reproductive Outcomes After In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Luis H Sordia-Hernandez, Felipe A Morales Martinez, Eduardo Gutierrez Orozco, Andrea Flores-Rodriguez, Paloma C Leyva-Camacho, Neri Alejandro Alvarez-Villalobos, Jorge Alberto Zuñiga-Hernandez

Original Article
The Effects of Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) on Patient-Important Outcomes in Embryo Transfer Cases: A Meta-Analysis

Luis H Sordia-Hernandez, Felipe A Morales-Martinez, Fernando Díaz González-Colmenero, Andrea Flores-Rodriguez, Paloma C Leyva-Camacho, Maria Ofelia Sordia-Piñeyro, Otto H Valdés-Martínez, Selene M García-Luna, René Rodríguez-Guajardo, Luis H Sordia-Piñeyro

Original Article
Evaluation of the Effect of Embryo Transfer Methods on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective Study and Future Perspectives

Samira Azimi, Shahrzad Zadeh Modarres, Mahsa Esgandari, Saba Abdollahzadeh Fahimi, Ramina Fazeli

Review Article
The Effect of Progesterone Elevation on the Day of Trigger Administration: A Review of the Literature

Chris Jreij, Rawad Halimeh, Doha Fadel, Perla Chamoun, Jean Nassar, Wael Saab, Srividya Seshadri, Marianne Bersaoui


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