Articles Collection of Hossein Rashidi , Batool

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Number of Articles: 7
Original Article
The Association of AMH Level with the Number and Quality of Oocytes in Women Undergoing IVF/ICSI: A Single-Center Study

Zohreh Heidary, Masoumeh Masoumi, Mohadese Dashtkoohi, Niusha Sharifinejad, Masoumeh Dehghan Tarzjani, Marjan Ghaemi, Batool Hossein Rashidi

Original Article
Effects of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection on Fertility; A Case-Control Study

Batool Hossein Rashidi, Leili Chamani Tabriz, Fedyeh Haghollahi, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Mohammad Mehdi Naghizadeh, Mamak Shariat, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Rezvan Bagheri, Soheila Asgari, Kevan Wylie

Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection in Fertile and Infertile Women; A Molecular and Serological Study

Batool Hossein Rashidi, Leili Chamani Tabriz, Fedyeh Haghollahi, Fatemeh Ramezanzadeh, Mamak Shariat, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Faezeh Daneshjoo, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Soheila Asgari

Prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhea in Fertile and Infertile Women in Tehran

Batool Hossein Rashidi, Leili Chamani Tabriz, Fedyeh Haghollahi, Mahmood Jeddi-Tehrani, Fatemeh Ramezanzadeh, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Mamak Shariat, Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi, Faezeh Daneshjoo

Therapeutic effects of vitamin D and calcium in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

Batool Hossein Rashidi, Fedyeh Haghollahi, Najmeh Tehranian, Mamak Shariat, Farid Zayeri, Maryam Bagheri, Masoomeh Masoomi

Comparison of pregnancy rate following oocyte donation in recipients with and without ovarian function in IVF cycles

Ensieh Sh.Tehrani, Batool Hossein Rashidi, Mahnaz Ashrafi, Nili Mehrdad

Relation between third day LH level and ovarian response in IVF cycles

Batool Hossein Rashidi, Leila Aghaghazvini, Roghayeh Moghimi


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