The Journal of Reproduction & Infertility (JRI) (ISSN: 2228-5482, eISSN: 2251-676X) is a peer-reviewed quarterly published by Avicenna Research Institute (ARI) affiliated to the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) since 1999. JRI has continued to publish cutting-edge scientific papers in collaboration with Iranian Society of Embryology & Reproductive Biology (ISERB) since 2015.
This quarterly journal is one of the most outstanding scientific journals in Iran based on the reviews made by the Commission for Medical Journals affiliated to Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The journal used to be published in the Persian language with English abstracts from January 2000 to October 2009 but it has been fully published in English afterwards.

The main scope of JRI is to publish genuine basic and clinical studies, in the field of reproduction, fertility and infertility. The journal is devoted to the publication of all materials related to life sciences domestically and internationally. Although, research articles on reproduction, fertility and infertility are the main focus of this journal, but a wide array of subjects are published, including research on reproductive gynecology, reproductive medicine, gynecologic cancers affecting fertility, reproductive endocrinology, reproductive physiology, immunology, genetics, pathology, andrology, prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, sexually transmitted infections, reproductive law and bioethics, epidemiological and psychological studies concerning reproduction and infertility.

In fact, the main objective of the Journal is publication of high quality articles that bear novel ideas or new findings and add to the sum of human knowledge. Rejection of more than 50% of the submitted articles depicts the meticulous selection process practiced in this journal for choosing the best articles available.

Most members of the editorial board of this journal are highly qualified specialists in a variety of fields chosen on the basis of their research backgrounds from different universities and research centers in various countries.

This journal has been previously indexed in most domestic databases, as well as international ones such as PubMed, SCOPUS, PubMed Central, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CAB Abstracts, Global Health, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Copernicus and Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC).

JRI provides free full-text, online access to its articles worldwide and to its digital scientific content as it has adopted a free access policy. All the past issues are accessible in the journal’s archive section. The enthusiasts can search articles by selecting related keywords in the "Index by Keywords" or find authors’ names in the "Index by Authors" section.

The journal’s requirements for manuscript submissions are based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and authors are encouraged to declare any Conflicts of Interest.
Being a member of Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), the journal’s Policy on Plagiarism is very strict and any practice of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
The journal’s Peer-Review Policy is a democratic and authors may suggest or exclude peer-reviewers for their work when they submit their articles.
The journal’s instructions for authors are available on its website and online submission of articles is necessary to send manuscripts.

Current Issue Volume 25, Issue 4, October-December 2024

Upcoming Issue Volume 26, Issue 1, January-March 2025

Two Paths to Discovery: Bridging Outside-in High Throughput Technologies and Inside-Out Artificial Intelligence for Biological Decoding of Women Reproductive Failure

Amir Hassan Zarnani

Original Article
Impact of Time-Lapse Incubator Systems on Fertilization, Blastocyst Development, and Clinical Pregnancy Outcomes

Muhammad Rizal, Nining Handayan, Pitra Rahmawati, Wahyu Indra Sari, Arif Sofyan, Reza Tri Raharjo, Tria Ningsih, Sally Kurnia Sugianto, Tri Aprilliana, Szeifoul Afadlal, Ivan Sini, Arie Adrianus Polim, Arief Boediono

Original Article
Determining Factors Affecting the Successful Outcome of Fresh Embryo Transfer During In Vitro Fertilization: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Chanakarn Suebthawinkul, Pranee Numchaisrika, Akarawin Chaengsawang, Vijakhana Pilaisangsuree, Sadanan Summat, Araya Peawdang, Konkanok Patchima, Punkavee Tuntiviriyapun, Paweena Thuwanut, Porntip Sirayapiwat, Wisan Sereepapong

Original Article
Exploring the Factors Influencing Premenstrual Syndrome and Its Severity: The Role of Lifestyle Determinants

Haniyeh Azadi, Sadra Madani, Laleh Payahoo, Mohammad Taghi Khodayari

Original Article
Serum Progesterone Levels on the Day of Oocyte Retrieval as a Predictor of Pregnancy Outcomes in Fresh Embryo Transfer Cycles

Farahnaz Farzaneh, Mahnaz Ashrafi, Robabeh Mohammad Beigi, Tayebeh Azadbakht, Arash Mohazzab, Eva Esmael

Original Article
Enhancing Sperm Quality Through Consecutive Ejaculation After Short Abstinence in Men with Low Semen Parameters Undergoing ICSI

Binarwan Halim, Jesselyn Angell, Agustinus Agustinus, Cennikon Pakpahan, Hilma Putri Lubis,

Original Article
The Effect of Spiritual Health on Psychological Distress of Infertile Women: The Role of Perceived Social Support as a Mediator

Faride Ensafdaran, Mahmoud Nejabat, Soudabeh Sabetian, Bahia Namavar Jahromi, Fatemeh Hemmati

Short Communication
A New Strategy for Chronic Endometritis Treatment Using Fermented Soy Product (ImmuBalanceTM)

Fumio Suyama, Koji Nakagawa, Keisuke Shiobara, Takashi Horikawa, Keiji Kuroda, Hisayo Kataoka, Yuko Ojiro, Satoru Takamizawa, Rikikazu Sugiyama

Case Series
Cytogenetic Evaluation and Clinical Correlation: A Retrospective Analysis of East Indian Patients with Diverse Amenorrhea Profiles

Sunny Jignesh Kumar Patel, Birendranath Banerjee


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©2025 - eISSN : 2251-676X, ISSN : 2228-5482, For any comments and questions please contact us.