Vol. 2, Issue 3, / July-September 2001
(Original Article, pages 13-26)

Reza Kormi Nouri Corresponding Author
- Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Mehdi Akhondi
- Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Zohreh Behjati Ardakani
- Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

Received: 3/13/2001 Accepted: 7/11/2001 - Publisher : Avicenna Research Institute

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Infertility phenomenon extra to medical science territory has been studied in the fields of behavior and social sciences. Infertility as a psychological crisis, has a lot if stress on infertile couples and in different ways, has threatened their mental health. Considering high expenses of fertility in Iran with its socio-cultural aspects, especially for women, has propounded special importance for studying of infertility phenomenon from psychological-social aspects. This research, as preliminary study, has studied viewpoint of Iranian physicians and specialists involved on infertility which have beneficial experiences in regard if infertile couples, as one if most important and reliable resources for cultural-social studies of infertility. This study is a purposive research which by design of psychological-social primary problems in infertility, it investigate the recognition if role if psychological-social factors from view point of Iranian physicians and recognition rate of importance of psychological-social problems with these physicians. In this way infertile couples get more psychological-social supports and also in respect of economical it prevent expending unnecessary time and expenses or performing improper medical treatments and it can accompany the medical treatments with more effective results. After validity inspection of sandbi questionnaire (1997) in primary study, for studying psychological-social factors involved in infertility, questionnaire with 40 questions was prepared and was delivered to 120 physicians and specialist of different fields involved in infertility affairs (Obs & Gyn, Urology, Embryology, Infectious disease and General practitioner). Findings of this descriptive research showed that infertile on the viewpoint of Iranian physicians of infertile community in Iran, which needs more attention. Also, from their point of view, infertile communities belong to families with low income and infertility treatments enforce high expenses to them. Most common emotional and psychological problems of infertile couples were despair, frustration, fear and anxiety. It is has been accompanied in less cases with rage and violence. These problems, with familial and social problems, such as suspension of marital relations and conflicts such as second marriage, separation and divorce are of important matters, which make the psychological consultation services very important and vital. Hopelessness and despair, fear and anxiety, are important psychological factor diseases. Women are more than men patent to psychological hams in this regard. In view point of physicians, stress and glumness in causing infertility, consultation and psychological treatment and awareness of details of diagnostic and remedial proceedings in treatment and improvement of infertility, has effective role and presence of psychiatrist and consultant seem to be necessary in different treatment and clinical infertility wards. In this way, necessary psychological interventions will be provided in all process of before, during and after treatments.

Keywords: Infertility, Psychosocial factor, Psychological consultation, Emotional-psychological infertile couples problem

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