- Amir Hossein Khodaparast
 - - Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
- Sanaz Sharifi
- - Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
- Ali Reza Milanifar
- - Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
- Zohreh Behjati Ardakani
- - Reproductive Biotechnology Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Received: 9/21/2010 Accepted: 1/5/2011 - Publisher : Avicenna Research Institute |
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Embryo donation is one of assisted reproductive technologies used in the past few decades. Application of this technology, like any other novel biomedical service, has raised certain moral, religious, legal and social concerns. This paper deals with moral / philosophical concerns involved in embryo donation technology, taking into account the “general moral challenges concerning embryo donation”, “moral problems arising during the process of donation” and “moral problems appearing after donation”, and attempts to critically evaluate them. As a preliminary conclusion, utilizing embryo donation technology could be morally justifiable provided that certain moral and professional constraints are observed and probable abuses are prevented.
Assisted Reproductive Techniques, Embryo donation, Infertility, Legal, Moral To cite this article:References
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