Elham Neisani Samani
- Gyn. & Obs. Ward, Taleghani Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Leila Amini Corresponding Author
- Midwifery department, Nursing & Midwifery School of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Received: 12/19/2009 Accepted: 2/6/2010 - Publisher : Avicenna Research Institute

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Introduction: Although numerous studies have depicted the association between adverse pregnancy outcomes and the future fertility status, this relationship has not been clearly outlined. A positive past medical history for adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as induced abortion, ectopic pregnancy, postpartum infection, premature rupture of membranes can affects women’s fertility prospects. The main goal of this study was to determine the relationship between previous pregnancy outcomes and secondary infertility. Materials and Methods: This retrospective case-control study was done on 182 (92 infertile and 90 pregnant women), 15 – 45 years old patients during a six-month period in 2008 – 2009. The study took place in Imam Djavad Hospital in Naghan, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province, in Iran. The outcomes of prior pregnancies such as abortion, ectopic pregnancy, postpartum infection, prolonged labor, premature rupture of membranes, manual removal of the placenta and postpartum curettage were compared to those of the controls. The data were analyzed by t-test and chi-square. Results: In the case group, induced abortion and postpartum infection were significantly higher than the control group (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found between the two groups regarding a history for spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, prolonged labor, premature rupture of membranes, manual removal of placenta or postpartum curettage. Conclusion: A past medical history of induced abortion and postpartum infection can negatively affects prospective pregnancy outcomes. By educating women and health care providers, we may help prevent the detrimental effects of these disease states on women’s future fertility status.

Keywords: Induced abortion, Miscarriage, Postpartum infection, Pregnancy outcome, Secondary infertility

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