- Nayereh Khadem
 - - Department of Obstet . and Gynecol Imam Reza Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad Medical Sciences University, Mashad, Iran
- Zhinous Rafie Zadeh
- - Department of Obstet . and Gynecol Imam Reza Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad Medical Sciences University, Mashad, Iran
Received: 10/1/2003 Accepted: 10/1/2003 - Publisher : Avicenna Research Institute |
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Infertility with an incidence of about 10-15% is one of the community burdens that even threatens the continuity of the family life. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is frequently used in the treatment of infertile couples with various causes of infertility. The difference in pregnancy rates following a double IUI versus a single IUI has been reported. In this study we compared the effectiveness of double IUI before and after ovulation with a single IUI in superovulated cycles with clomiphene citrate. This was a prospective randomized controlled trial study. Our study was carried on 200 women with mild male factor or without male factor infertility, and other female factor as a IUI candidate. They were stimulated with clomiphene 100 mg for 5 days plus HCG 10000 IU. On the day of HCG administration, patients were randomly divided into one of two groups; in group I, IUI was performed 36 hours after HCG injection and in group II, Double IUI was performed 18 and 42 hours after the HCG injection. Clinical pregnancy rates in both groups were compared per cycle. The demographic data for two groups were similar. Pregnancy rate of the first group was 14% versus 13% for the second group, so there was no statistical significance difference between two groups (double and single IUI) for the pregnancy rates in super ovulation cycles with clomiphene citrate. (P=0.834) The result of this study did not show a benefit for double IUI over single IUI in clomiphene citrate/ HCG cycles. Regarding our Findings for future research in IUI candidate couple, using double IUI and comparing it with single IUI especially with HMG/HCG superovulation protocol and also infertile couple with male factor is suggested.
Intrauterin insemination, Single IUI, Double IUI, Clomiphene citrate, Pregnancy rate, Infertility To cite this article:References
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